Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Flight Measurements of Base Pressure on Bodies of Revolution With and Without Simulated Rocket Chambers
An Investigation of the Longitudinal Characteristics of the X-3 Configuration With Wing and Horizontal Tail Surfaces of Aspect Ratio 3.0 by Means of Rocket-Propelled Models: Results at High Lift Coefficients
Rocket-model investigation of longitudinal stability and drag characteristics of an airplane configuration have a 60©� delta wing and a high unwept horizontal tail
Jet effects on longitudinal trim of an airplane configuration measured at Mach numbers between 1.2 and 1.8
Longitudinal characteristics at transonic and supersonic speeds of a rocket-propelled airplane model having a 60-degree delta wing and low swept horizontal tail
Flight measurements of base pressure on bodies of revolution with and without simulated rocket chambers
Results of Rocket Model Test of an Airplane Configuration Having an Arrow Wing and Slender Flat-Sided Fuselage: Lift, Drag, Longitudinal Stability, Lateral Force, and Jet Effects at Mach Numbers Between 1.0 and 2.3