Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The aerodynamic properties of thick aerofoils suitable for internal bracing
The Efficiency of Small Bearings in Instruments of the Type Used in Aircraft
The Photographic Recording of Small Motions
Design of Recording Wind Tunnel Balances
Construction of Models for Tests in Wind Tunnels
Design of wind tunnels and wind tunnel propellers II
The Drawing of Experimental Curves
The Art of Writing Scientific Reports
Design of Wind Tunnels and Wind Tunnel Propellers, 2
The pressure distribution over the horizontal tail surfaces of an airplane 2
N.A.C.A. Langley field wind tunnel apparatus: The tilting manometer
N.A.C.A. Recording Air Speed Meter
An Investigation on the Effect of Raked Wing Tips
The Factors That Determine the Minimum Speed of an Airplane
The optical wing aligning device of the Langley Field tunnel
The Effect of Staggering a Biplane
A Preliminary Study of Airplane Performance
The effect of longitudinal moment of inertia upon dynamic stability
N.A.C.A. control position recorder
A Preliminary Investigation of a New Method for Testing Aerofoils in Free Flight
Controllability and Maneuverability of Airplanes
The Pressure Distribution Over the Horizontal Tail Surfaces of an Airplane 3
The Pressure Distribution Over the Horizontal Tail Surfaces of an Airplane
Pressure Distribution Over the Rudder and Fin of an Airplane in Flight
Practical Stability and Controllability of Airplanes
The Aerodynamic Properties of Thick Airfoils 2
Pressure distribution over thick airfoils - model tests
Complete Study of Longitudinal Oscillation of a VE-7 Airplane
The Small Angular Oscillations of Airplanes in Steady Flight
The Measurement of the Damping in Roll on a JN4h in Flight
A Study of Longitudinal Dynamic Stability in Flight
Pressure Distribution Over the Wings of an MB-3 Airplane in Flight