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Theoretical lift and damping in roll at supersonic speeds of thin sweptback tapered wings with streamwise tips, subsonic leading edges, and supersonic trailing edges

Theoretical Lift and Damping in Roll of Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings With Raked-in and Cross-Stream Wing Tips at Supersonic Speeds: Subsonic Leading Edges

Theoretical Calculations of the Lateral Force and Yawing Moment Due to Rolling at Supersonic Speeds for Sweptback Tapered Wings With Streamwise Tips: Subsonic Leading Edges

Calculation of lift and pitching moments due to angle of attack and steady pitching velocity at supersonic speeds for thin sweptback tapered wings with streamwise tips and supersonic leading and trailing edges

Some Remarks on an Approximate Method of Estimating the Wave Drag Due to Thickness at Supersonic Speeds of Three-Dimensional Wings With Arbitrary Profile

Theoretical calculation of the pressure distribution, span loading, and rolling moment due to sideslip at supersonic speeds for thin sweptback tapered wings with supersonic trailing edges and wing tips parallel to the axis of wing symmetry

Theoretical Calculations of the Stability Derivatives at Supersonic Speeds for a High-Speed Airplane Configuration

Theoretical Calculations of the Pressures, Forces, and Moments Due to Various Lateral Motions Acting on Thin Isolated Vertical Tails With Supersonic Leading and Trailing Edges

Theoretical Calculations of the Pressure, Forces, and Moments at Supersonic Speeds Due to Various Lateral Motions Acting on Thin Isolated Vertical Tails

Theoretical Calculations of Supersonic Wave Drag at Zero Lift for a Particular Store Arrangement

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