Browse TRAIL Inventories

The pressure distribution over a modified elliptical wing tip on a biplane in flight

The Compressive Strength of Duralumin Columns of Equal Angle Section

Strength Tests on Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Torsion

Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Compression

Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Pure Bending

Comparison of Three Methods for Calculating the Compressive Strength of Flat and Slightly Curved Sheet and Stiffener Combinations

General equations for the stress analysis of rings

Strength Tests of Thin-Walled Duralumin Cylinders in Combined Transverse Shear and Bending

Strength tests of thin-walled duralumin cylinders of elliptic section

A Theory for Primary Failure of Straight Centrally Loaded Columns

Stability of Structural Members Under Axial Load

Tables of Stiffness and Carry-Over Factor for Structural Members Under Axial Load

Generalized Analysis of Experimental Observations in Problems of Elastic Stability

Local Instability of Centrally Loaded Columns of Channel Section and Z-Section

A Method of Estimating the Critical Buckling Load for Structural Members

Local Instability of Symmetrical Rectangular Tubes Under Axial Compression

Published Year
