Browse TRAIL Inventories

The calculation of downwash behind supersonic wings with an application to triangular plan forms

Linearized compressible-flow theory for sonic flight speeds

Formulas for source, doublet, and vortex distributions in supersonic wing theory

Integrals and integral equations in linearized wing theory

The Indicial Lift and Pitching Moment for a Sinking or Pitching Two-Dimensional Wing Flying at Subsonic or Supersonic Speeds

Generalized conical-flow fields in supersonic wing theory

Theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of a family of slender wing-tail-body combinations

Two-and three-dimensional unsteady lift problems in high-speed flight

Chordwise and Compressibility Corrections to Slender-Wing Theory

Generalized indicial forces on deforming rectangular wings in supersonic flight

Lift Developed on Unrestrained Rectangular Wings Entering Gusts at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds

Generalized indical forces on deforming rectangular wings in supersonic flight

A special method for finding body distortions that reduce the wave drag of wing and body combinations at supersonic speeds

Nonlifting Wing-Body Combinations With Certain Geometric Restraints Having Minimum Wave Drag at Low Supersonic Speeds

The Wave Drag of Arbitrary Configurations in Linearized Flow as Determined by Areas and Forces in Oblique Planes

A special method for finding body distortions that reduce the wave drag of wing and body combinations at supersonic speeds

Wing-Body Combinations With Certain Geometric Restraints Having Low Zero-Lift Wave Drag at Low Supersonic Mach Numbers

A method for the calculation of wave drag on supersonic-edged wings and biplanes

Published Year
