Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Working Charts for the Determination of the Lift Distribution Between Biplane Wings
A Summary of Design Formulas for Beams Having Thin Webs in Diagonal Tension
Analysis of 2-Spar Cantilever Wings With Special Reference to Torsion and Load Transference
The Torsional Stiffness of Thin Duralumin Shells Subjected to Large Torques
Bending Stresses Due to Torsion in Cantilever Box Beams
The Initial Torsional Stiffness of Shells With Interior Webs
Remarks on the Elastic Axis of Shell Wings
Stress Analysis of Beams With Shear Deformation of the Flanges
Strain Measurements on Small Duralumin Box Beams in Bending
Approximate Stress Analysis of Multistringer Beams With Shear Deformation of the Flanges
A Recurrence Formula for Shear-Lag Problems
Loads Imposed on Intermediate Frames of Stiffened Shells
Some Elementary Principles of Shell Stress Analysis With Notes on the Use of the Shear Center
Investigations on the Incompletely Developed Plane Diagonal-Tension Field
Ultimate Stresses Developed by 24S-T Sheet in Incomplete Diagonal Tension
Shear lag in box beams methods of analysis and experimental investigations
A method of calculating bending stresses due to torsion
Stresses Around Rectangular Cut-Outs in Skin-Stringer Panels Under Axial Loads
The Strength and Stiffness of Shear Webs With and Without Lightening Holes
The Influence of Bulkhead Spacing on Bending Stresses Due to Torsion
The Strength and Stiffness of Shear Webs With Round Lightening Holes Having 45 Degree Flanges
A procedure for the shear-lag analysis of box beams
Stresses Around Rectangular Cut-Outs in Skin-Stringer Panels Under Axial Loads 2
Tests of 10-Inch 24S-T Aluminum-Alloy Shear Panels With 1-1/2-Inch Holes
The Longitudinal Shear Strength Required in Double-Angle Columns of 24S-T Aluminum Alloy
Secondary Stresses in Open Box Beams Subjected to Torsion
On the Shear Strength of Skin-Stiffener Panels With Inspection Cut-Outs
Stresses Near the Juncture of a Closed and an Open Torsion Box as Influenced by Bulkhead Flexibility
The effect of concentrated loads on flexible rings in circular shells
An empirical formula for the critical shear stress of curved sheets
Stresses Around Large Cut-Outs in Torsion Boxes
Strength analysis of stiffened beam webs
Diagonal tension in curved webs
Stresses around rectangular cut-outs with reinforced coaming stringers
Deformation Analysis of Wing Structures
Shear lag in axially loaded panels
A summary of diagonal tension Part I : methods of analysis
A summary of diagonal tension Part II : experimental evidence
An engineering method for estimating notch-size effect in fatigue tests on steel