Browse TRAIL Inventories

Properties of California crude oils.

Properties of typical crude oils from the producing fields of the western hemisphere

Manufacture and characteristics of gasoline

The motor-fuel situation

A survey of the sulphur content of commercial motor fuels - 1930

Properties of California crude oils.

Twenty-third semiannual motor-gasoline survey.

Motor-Gasoline Survey, August, 1931.

Motor gasoline survey, August, 1931.

Cooperative fuel research motor-gasoline survey :winter 1935-36

Developments in petroleum refining technology in the United States, 1914-19

National motor-gasoline survey :Summer 1943

Cooperative fuel research motor-gasoline survey :winter 1942-43

Oil shale in Brazil

Oil shale in Spain

Petroleum and natural gas research, Bureau of Mines, fiscal years 1954, 1955 and 1956

Published Year

