Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind Tunnel Standardization Disk Drag

Pressure Distribution Over a Rectangular Monoplane Wing Model Up to 90 Degree Angle of Attack

Wind Tunnel Tests on Autorotation and The "Flat Spin"

Preliminary Report on the Flat-Top Lift Curve as a Factor in Control at Low Speed

Wind tunnel pressure distribution tests on a series of biplane wing models Part II: effects of changes in decalage, dihedral, sweepback and overhang

Wind tunnel pressure distribution tests on a series of biplane wing models Part III: effects of charges in various combinations of stagger, gap, sweepback, and decalage

Wind Tunnel Tests on Airfoil Boundary Control Using a Backward Opening Slot (1929)

Wind Tunnel Pressure Distribution Tests on a Series of Biplane Wing Models Part I: Effects of Changes in Stagger and Gap

Wind Tunnel Tests on a Model of a Monoplane Wing with Floating Ailerons

Rolling Moments Due to Rolling and Yaw for Four Wing Models in Rotation

Wind-Tunnel Tests on a Series of Wing Models Through a Large Angle of Attack Range Part 1: Force Tests

Experimental determination of jet boundary corrections for airfoil tests in four open wind tunnel jets of different shapes

Span load distribution on two monoplanes wing models as affected by twist and sweepback

Refrigerated wind tunnel tests on surface coatings for preventing ice formation

The Effect of Wing Tip Floating Ailerons on the Autorotation of a Monoplane Wing Model

Span-load distribution as a factor in stability in roll

Static Thrust Analysis of the Lifting Airscrew

Analysis of Ground Effect on the Lifting Airscrew

Published Year
