Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind Tunnel Standardization Disk Drag

Pressure Distribution Over a Rectangular Monoplane Wing Model Up to 90 Degree Angle of Attack

Wind Tunnel Tests on Autorotation and The "Flat Spin"

Preliminary Report on the Flat-Top Lift Curve as a Factor in Control at Low Speed

Wind tunnel pressure distribution tests on a series of biplane wing models Part II: effects of changes in decalage, dihedral, sweepback and overhang

Wind tunnel pressure distribution tests on a series of biplane wing models Part III: effects of charges in various combinations of stagger, gap, sweepback, and decalage

Wind Tunnel Tests on Airfoil Boundary Control Using a Backward Opening Slot (1929)

Wind Tunnel Pressure Distribution Tests on a Series of Biplane Wing Models Part I: Effects of Changes in Stagger and Gap

Wind Tunnel Tests on a Model of a Monoplane Wing with Floating Ailerons

Published Year
