Browse TRAIL Inventories

On the particular integrals of the Prandtl-Busemann iteration equations for the flow of a compressible fluid

On the Particular Integrals of the Prandtl-Busemann Iteration Equations for the Flow of a Compressible Fluid

On a Solution of the Nonlinear Differential Equation for Transonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall

On Transonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall

The Small-Disturbance Method for Flow of a Compressible Fluid With Velocity Potential and Stream Function as Independent Variables

Incompressible Flow Past a Sinusoidal Wall of Finite Amplitude

On the small-disturbance iteration method for the flow of a compressible fluid with application to a parabolic cylinder

On Subsonic Flow Past a Paraboloid of Revolution

Published Year
