Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Effect of a Simulated Propeller Slipstream on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Unswept Wing Panel With and Without Nacelles at Mach Numbers From 0.30 to 0.86

Force Tests of Three Thin Wings of Moderately Low Aspect Ratio at High Subsonic Mach Numbers

Fuselage Pressures Measured on the Bell X-1 Research Airplane in Transonic Flight

Flight-determined pressure distributions over a section of the 35 degree swept wing of the Douglas D-558-II research airplane at Mach numbers up to 2.0

Preliminary Flight-Determined Pressure Distributions Over the Wing of the Douglas X-3 Research Airplane at Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers

Airplane motions and loads induced by flying through the flow field generated by an airplane at low supersonic speeds

Published Year

