Browse TRAIL Inventories

Determination of Flight Paths of an SBD-1 Airplane in Simulated Diving Attacks, Special Report

Measurements of the flying qualities of a Bell P-39D-1 airplane (AAF NO. 41-28378)

NACA Procedure for Flight Tests of Aileron Characteristics of Airplanes

Résumé of NACA Stability and Control Tests of the Bell P-63 Series Airplane

Estimates of the Vertical-Tail Loads of a Bell P-63A-1 Airplane (AAF No. 42-68889) in Accelerated Rolling Maneuvers Based on Flight Tests With Two Vertical-Tail Arrangements

A Comparison of Data Obtained by Two Flight Techniques for Determining the Sideslip Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane

An Approximate Determination of the Power Required to Move Control Surfaces as Related to Control-Booster Design

Flight Measurements of the Effect on Elevator Stick Forces of Stabilizer Incidence and Elevator Rib Spacing on the P-63A-1-BE Series Airplane

Flight Investigation of Effect of Various Vertical-Tail Modifications on the Directional Stability and Control Characteristics of the P-63A-1 Airplane (AAF No. 42-68889)

Flight Investigation to Improve the Dynamic Longitudinal Stability and Control-Feel Characteristics of the P-63A-1 Airplane (AAF No. 42-68889) with Closely Balanced Experimental Elevators

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweptback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4-Chord Plain Flap by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweptback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4-Chord Bevelled-Trailing-Edge Flap and Trim Tab by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 35 Degree Sweepback NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model With 1/4 Chord Flap Having 31 Percent Flap Chord Overhang Balance by the NACA Wing Flow Method

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of an Unswept and Untapered NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model of Aspect Ratio 3 With 1/4-Chord Plain Flap by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

A Preliminary Flight Investigation of an Oil-Flow Technique for Air-Flow Visualization

Published Year
