Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of Protruding Gasoline Tanks Upon the Characteristics of an Airfoil

Characteristics of Propeller Sections Tested in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

Investigation of Air Flow in Open-Throat Wind Tunnels

Large-scale aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils as tested in the variable density wind tunnel

Pressure Distribution on a Slotted R.A.F. 31 Airfoil in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

The Drag and Interference of a Nacelle in the Presence of a Wing

Sphere Drag Tests in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

Airfoil Pressure Distribution Investigation in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

Pressure distribution over a symmetrical airfoil section with trailing edge flap

Experiments with a model water tunnel

Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel Series 45 and 65

Tests of Six Symmetrical Airfoils in the Variable Density Wind Tunnel

Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable density wind tunnel Series 44 and 64

Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel Series 43 and 63

The aerodynamic characteristics of eight very thick airfoils from tests in the variable density wind tunnel

Airfoil section characteristics as affected by protuberances

Wing Characteristics as Affected by Protuberances of Short Span

The characteristics of 78 related airfoil sections from tests in the variable-density wind tunnel

Characteristics of Two Sharp-Nosed Airfoils Having Reduced Spinning Tendencies

Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel Series 24

Tests on thrust augmenters for jet propulsion

The NACA variable-density wind tunnel

The Drag of Streamline Wires

The Reduction in Drag of a Forward-Sloping Windshield

Tests in the variable-density wind tunnel of related airfoils having the maximum camber unusually far forward

Interference of wing and fuselage from tests of 209 combinations in the NACA variable-density tunnel

Characteristics of the NACA 23012 airfoil from tests in the full-scale and variable-density tunnels

Tests of N.A.C.A. airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel. Series 230

Tests of related forward-camber airfoils in the variable-density wind tunnel

Tapered Wings, Tip Stalling, and Preliminary Results From Tests of the Stall-Control Flap

Wing-Fuselage Interference - Comparison of Conventional and Airfoil-Type-Fuselage Combinations

Airfoil section characteristics as applied to the prediction of air forces and their distribution on wings

Correction of Profile-Drag Results From Variable-Density Tunnel and the Effect on the Choice of Wing-Section Thickness

Airfoil section characteristics as affected by variations of the Reynolds number

Airfoil section data obtained in the NACA variable-density tunnel as affected by support interference and other corrections

Preliminary Report on Laminar-Flow Airfoils and New Methods Adopted for Airfoil and Boundary-Layer Investigations

Preliminary drag tests in flight of low-drag wing on the Curtiss XP-60 airplane

Preliminary Low-Drag-Airfoil and Flap Data from Tests at Large Reynolds Numbers and Low Turbulence

A preliminary study of the effect of compressive load on the fairness of a low-drag wing specimen with Z-section stiffeners

Published Year
