Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
An Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Air Inlet Installed in the Root of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing
An experimental study of a method of designing the sweptback-wing - fuselage juncture for reducing the drag at transonic speeds
Comparison of the Drag of a Fin-Stabilized Body of Revolution and of a Complete Airplane Configuration as Obtained at Transonic Speeds in a Slotted Wind Tunnel and in Free Flight
Transonic investigation at lifting conditions of streamline contouring in the sweptback-wing-fuselage juncture in combination with the transonic area rule
Experimental study of the effects of scale on the absolute values of zero-lift drag of aircraft configurations at transonic speeds
An Experimental Investigation of Two Internal-Compression Air-Inlet Designs Which Use Fluid Boundaries as a Means of Supersonic Compression