Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of Various Blade Modifications in Performance of a 16-Stage Axial-flow Compressor. IV - Effect on Over-all Performance Characteristics of Decreasing Twelfth through Fifteenth Stage Stator-blade Angles 3 deg and Increasing Stator Angles in the Inlet Stages
Effect of Various Blade Modifications on Performance of a 16-Stage High-Pressure-Ratio Axial-Flow Compressor 1 - Effect on Over-All Performance Characteristics of Decreasing Twelfth Through Fifteenth State Stator-Blade Angles 3 Degrees
Effect of Various Blade Modifications on Performance of a 16-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor 2 - Effect on Over-All Performance Characteristics of Increasing Twelfth through Fifteenth Stage Stator-Blade Angles 3 Degrees
Performance of a 13-Stage Development Compressor for the J40-WE-24 Engine at Equivalent Speeds from 30 to 112 Percent of Design
Application of Radial-Equilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow Turbomachine Design Including Consideration of Change of Entropy With Radius Downstream of Blade Row
Comparison of experimentally and analytically determined windmilling characteristics of a compressor with low over-all pressure ratio