Browse TRAIL Inventories

A study of elastic and plastic stress concentration factors due to notches and fillets in flat plates

A study of elastic and plastic stress concentration factors due to notches and fillets in flat plates

An experimental investigation of the behavior of 24S-T4 aluminum alloy subjected to repeated stresses of constant and varying amplitudes

Axial-load fatigue tests on notched and unnotched sheet specimens of 61S-T6 aluminum alloy, annealed 347 stainless steel, and heat-treated 403 stainless steel

Fatigue tests at stresses producing failure in 2 to 10,000 cycles: 24S-T3 and 75S-T6 aluminum-alloy sheet specimens with a theoretical stress-concentration factor of 4.0 subjected to completely reversed axial load

Some observations on loss of static strength due to fatigue cracks

Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Aluminum Alloy Box Beams

Fatigue-crack propagation and residual static strength of built-up structures

Further Investigation of Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Aluminum-Alloy Box Beams

An Investigation of the Effects of Atmospheric Corrosion on the Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloys

Published Year

