Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Effect of Raking the Aileron Tips on the Lateral-Control and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a 20-Percent-Chord Partial-Span Outboard Aileron on a Wing With Leading-Edge Swept Back 51.3 Degrees
Chordwise pressure distribution at high subsonic speeds near midsemispan of a tapered 35 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 having NACA 65A006 airfoil sections and equipped with various spoiler ailerons
The effect of various aerodynamic balances on the low-speed lateral-control and hinge-moment characteristics of a 0.20-chord partial-span outboard aileron on a wing with leading edge swept back 51.3 degrees
The aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of an all-movable, tapered, 45 degrees sweptback, aspect-ratio-4 tail surface deflected about a skewed hinge axis
The effect at high subsonic speeds of a flap-type aileron on the chordwise pressure distribution near midsemispan of a tapered 35 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 4 having NACA 65A006 airfoil section
The twisting effect at transonic speeds of spoiler ailerons on a 45©� sweptback, aspect-ratio-4, tapered wing
Chordwise pressures and section moment force and moment coefficients at high subsonic speeds near midspan of a tapered 35 degree sweptback wing with a flap-type control and an attached tab
Pressure Distributions on Plug- and Semaphore-Type Spoiler Ailerons on a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Section at High Subsonic Speeds
Loads on wings due to spoilers at subsonic and transonic speeds
A Low-Speed Investigation of a High-Lift Lateral-Control Device Consisting of a Spoiler-Slot-Deflector and a Trailing-Edge Flap on a Tapered 45 Degree Sweptback Wing
Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of aspect ratio and chordwise location on effectiveness of spoiler-slot-deflector controls on thin untapered winds at transonic speeds
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Sweep and Taper Ratio on Effectiveness of Spoiler-Slot-Deflector Controls on Aspect-Ratio-4 Wings at Transonic Speeds