Browse TRAIL Inventories

An investigation of aircraft heaters XIII : performance of corrugated and noncorrugated fluted type exhaust gas-air heat exchangers

An investigation of aircraft heaters XII : performance of a formed-plate crossflow exhaust gas and air heat exchanger

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 14: Performance of Two Finned-Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 21: Measured and Predicted Performance of a Flattened-Tube Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchanger

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters XXVIII : Equations for Steady-State Temperature Distribution Caused by Thermal Sources in Flat Plates Applied to Calculation of Thermocouple Errors, Heat-meter Corrections, and Heat Transfer by Pin-fin Plates

Determination of rate, area, and distribution of impingement of of waterdrops on various airfoils from trajectories obtained on the differential analyzer

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXXI : summary of laboratory testing of several exhaust-gas and air heat exchangers

Determination of rate, area, and distribution of impingement of water drops on various airfoils from trajectories obtained on the differential analyzer

Determination of Rate, Area, and Distribution of Impingement of Waterdrops on Various Airfoils From Trajectories Obtained on the Differential Analyzer

Published Year
