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Permissible Coal-Handling Equipment: Approved from January, 1926, to December, 1930, Inclusive
Guarding trolley wires in mines
Notes pertaining to safety inspections of permissible electric mine equipment
Data in reference to installation of cables in shafts and boreholes
Maintenance of electrical mine equipment from the viewpoint of the safety inspector
An international viewpoint on safeguarding electrical equipment used in gassy mines
Flame-arresting limitations of flat joints and plain bearings in explosion-proof mine equipment
Electrical viewpoint in a complete safety survey of a coal mine
Permissible electrically operated air compressors
Bureau of Mines apparatus for demonstrating electrical ignition of mine gas
Permissible electrically operated room hoists
Permissible electrically operated hand-held coal drills
The importance of adequate voltage for distribution systems in coal mines
Coal-mine fires of electrical origin :their cause and prevention
Permissible electrically operated post drills and drilling machines
Installation of high-tension power circuits in coal mines
Reducing "nipping" hazards when tramming coal-mining machinery