Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Physical properties of coke :size and its measurement
Development of new, experimental coke oven
Carbonizing procedures with new experimental coke oven
Effects of variations in bulk density on coking time
Studies of size-distribution patterns and breakage processes for metallurgical cokes
Use of anthrafines for producing metallurgical coke
Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :use of fluid petroleum coke as a blending agent
Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa (Ala.) oven :dependence of coking time on flue temperature
Carbonizing tests in Tuscaloosa oven :properties of wet- and dry-quenched cokes
Correlations involving different screen indexes for a given size distribution of coke
Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :factors influencing apparent specific gravity
Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :hardness of cokes from blends containing added inerts
The effect of carbonization conditions and coal properties on coke size and strength parameters