Browse TRAIL Inventories

Methane in California gold mines

Sand filling in stopes

Rock strata gases in mines of a Nevada mining district

Blasting to lessen bowlders in hard-ore stopes

Accidents due to explosives in metal mines of the Southwest, as shown by records in Arizona

Fatal accident from entering unventilated raise after blasting

Drilling and Blasting in Open-Cut Copper Mines

Gases from Blasting in Tunnels and Metal-Mine Drifts

Accident-prevention measures at the Moctezuma Copper Co.

Form of report for underground accidents

Safety organizations in Arizona copper mines

Drilling and Blasting in Metal-Mine Drifts and Crosscuts

Undercut block-caving method of mining in western copper mines

Shaft-Sinking Practices and Costs

Cut-and-fill stoping

Square-set system of mining

Placer mining in the western United States :part 1. general information, hand-shoveling, and ground-sluicing

Placer mining in the western United States :part II. Hydraulicking, treatment of placer concentrates, and marketing of gold

Mining methods and costs at Herron and Laster Lease, Superior, Ariz.

Mining and milling practices at small gold mines

Placer mining in the western United States :part III. Dredging and other forms of mechanical handling of gravel, and drift mining

Mining methods and costs at the mine of the St. Joseph Lead Co., Atlanta, Idaho

Placer-mining methods of E.T. Fisher Co., Atlantic City, Wyo.

Mining methods and costs at the Eureka Standard mine

Gold and silver custom plants

Costs of trucking and packing ore in western gold-mining districts

Prospecting for lode gold

Gold mining and milling in the Black Mountains, Western Mohave County, Ariz.

Design and Operation of a Four-Ton-Per-Hour Gold and Silver Ore-Sampling Plant

Open Schedules for Gold and Silver Ores and Concentrates at Western Custom Smelters

Placer operations of Humphreys Gold Corporation, Clear Creek, Colo.

Power-shovel and dragline placer mining

Copper Mining in North America

Tin deposits of the Black hills, South Dakota

Open-Cut Metal Mining

Proposed methods and estimated costs of mining oil shale at Rulison, Colo.

Mining Program: Bureau of Mines Oil-Shale Project, Rifle, Colorado

Guide to prospecting for lode gold

Published Year

