Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of an impulse axial-flow compressor rotor over a range of blade angles

NACA 65-series compressor rotor performance with varying annulus-area ratio, solidity, blade angle, and Reynolds number and comparison with cascade results

Two-dimensional low-speed cascade investigation of NACA compressor blade sections having a systematic variation in mean-line loading

Investigation of an Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor Having Naca High-Speed Blade Sections (A(Sub 2)I(Sub 8B) Series) at Mean Radius Relative Inlet Mach Numbers Up to 1.13

Method of Estimating the Incompressible-Flow Pressure Distribution of Compressor Blade Sections at Design Angle of Attack

Method of Estimating the Incompressible-Flow Pressure Distribution of Compressor Blade Sections at Design Angle of Attack

Systematic two-dimensional cascade tests of NACA 65-series compressor blades at low speeds

Published Year

