Browse TRAIL Inventories

Heat-transfer tests of a steel cylinder barrel with aluminum fins

Surface heat-transfer coefficients of finned cylinders

Heat transfer tests of a steel cylinder barrel with aluminum fins with improved bonding between steel barrel and aluminum base

Heat-transfer tests of two steel cylinder barrels with aluminum fins manufactured by factory production method

Cooling and Performance Tests of a Continental A-75 Engine

Compressibility and heating effects on pressure loss and cooling of a baffled cylinder barrel

Cowling and Cooling Tests of a Fleetwings Model 33 Airplane in Flight

Analysis, Verification, and Application of Equations and Procedures for Design of Exhaust-Pipe Shrouds

General Treatment of Compressible Flow in Ejectors and Example of Its Application to Problem of Effect of Ejector Addition on Thrust of Jet-Propulsion Units

Application of blade cooling to gas turbines

Experimental Investigation of Air-Cooled Turbine Blades in Turbojet Engine: 1: Rotor Blades With 10 Tubes in Cooling-Air Passages

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 3: Methods for Determining Power and Efficiency

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 1: Methods for Determining Heat-Transfer Characteristics

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 2: Methods for Determining Cooling-Air-Flow Characteristics

Use of electric analog for calculation of temperature distribution of cooled turbine blades

Published Year
