Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analytical investigation of flow and heat transfer in coolant passages of free-convection liquid-cooled turbines

Analysis of Turbulent Free-Convection Boundary Layer on Flat Plate

Investigations of Slot Configurations for Film-Cooled Turbine Blades by Flow Visualization Methods

Temperature distribution in internally heated walls of heat exchangers composed of noncircular flow passages

Calculations of Laminar Heat Transfer Around Cylinders of Arbitrary Cross Section and Transpiration-Cooled Walls with Application to Turbine Blade Cooling

Wire cloth as porous material for transpiration-cooled walls

Temperature distribution in internally heated walls of heat exchangers with noncircular flow passages using coolants with very low Prandtl number

Calculations of Laminar Heat Transfer Around Cylinders of Arbitrary Cross Section and Transpiration-Cooled Walls With Application to Turbine Blade Cooling

Investigations of Slot Configurations for Film-Cooled Turbine Blades by Flow Visualization Methods

Experimental investigation of free-convection heat transfer in vertical tube at large Grashof numbers

Method for calculation of heat transfer in laminar region of air flow around cylinders of arbitrary cross section (including large temperature differences and transpiration cooling)

Method for Calculation of Laminar Heat Transfer in Air Flow Around Cylinders of Arbitrary Cross Section (Including Large Temperature Differences and Transpiration Cooling)

Comparison of effectiveness of convection-, transpiration-, and film-cooling methods with air as coolant

Experiments on mixed-free-and-forced-convective heat transfer connected with turbulent flow through a short tube

One-dimensional calculation of flow in a rotating passage with ejection through a porous wall

Free-convection effects on heat transfer for turbulent flow through a vertical tube

Experiments on turbulent flow through channels having porous rough surfaces with or without air injection

Method of calculating core dimensions of crossflow heat exchanger with prescribed gas flows and inlet and exit states

Selection of Optimum Configurations for Heat Exchanger With One Dominating Film Resistance

Velocity and friction characteristics of laminar viscous boundary-layer and channel flow over surfaces with ejection or suction

Published Year
