Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Effect of Lateral Area on the Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics of an Airplane as Determined by Tests of a Model in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Experimental Determination of the Effects of Directional Stability and Rotary Damping in Yaw on Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics

Preliminary Results of NACA Transonic Flights of the XS-1 Airplane With a 10-Percent-Thick Wing and 8-Percent-Thick Horizontal Tail

Results Obtained During Accelerated Transonic Tests of the Bell XS-1 Airplane in Flights to a Mach Number of 0.92

Preliminary Theoretical and Flight Investigation of the Lateral Oscillation of the X-1 Airplane

Measurements of Aileron Effectiveness of Bell X-1 Airplane Up to a Mach Number of 0.82

Measurements of Aileron Effectiveness of the Bell X-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers Between 0.9 and 1.06

Stability and Control Data Obtained from First Flight of X-4 Airplane

Published Year
