Browse TRAIL Inventories

The determination of downwash

Notes on the standard atmosphere

Simple formula for estimating airplane ceilings

Notes on the construction and testing of model airplanes

Effect of aerofoil aspect ratio on the slope of the lift curve

The variation of aerofoil lift and drag coefficients with changes in size and speed

Engine performance and the determination of absolute ceiling

The general efficiency curve for air propellers

Relative efficiency of direct and geared drive propellers

Reliable formulae for estimating airplane performance and the effects of changes in weight, wing area, or power

The application of propeller test data to design and performance calculations

Charts for graphical estimation of airplane performance

The Reduction of Airplane Flight Test Data to Standard Atmosphere Conditions

A study of the effect of a diving start on airplane speed

Standard atmosphere - tables and data

Three methods of calculating range and endurance of airplanes

The effect of flight path inclination on airplane velocity

Tests on airplane fuselages, floats and hulls

Reduction of observed airplane performance to standard conditions

Two practical methods for the calculation of the horizontal tail area necessary for a statically stable airplane

A new chart for estimating the absolute ceiling of an airplane

Some approximate equations for the standard atmosphere

The calculation of take-off run

The estimation of maximum load capacity of seaplanes and flying boats

Static thrust of airplane propellers

Relative loading on biplane wings

The application of basic data on planing surfaces to the design of flying-boat hulls

Some fundamental considerations in regard to the use of power in landing an airplane

The mean aerodynamic chord and the aerodynamic center of a tapered wing

Published Year
