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Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine wtih high compressor ratio and low compressor-tip speed V : experimental performance of two-stage turbine with downstream stator
Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor tip-speed II : velocity-diagram study of turbine for engine operation with constant exhaust-nozzle area
Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed IV : effect of increasing blade speed on velocity diagrams of turbine for engine operation at constant rotative speed
Turbine design considerations for turbine-propeller engine operating over a range of flight conditions
Turboprop-engine design considerations II : design requirements and performance of turboprop engines with a single-spool high-pressure-ratio compressor
Turboprop-engine design considerations I : effect of mode of engine operation on performance of turboprop engine with current compressor pressure ratio
Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VI: experimental performance of two-stage turbine
Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VII : experimental performance of modified two-stage turbine
Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VIII : internal flow conditions of a two-stage turbine with a downstream stator
Analysis of two-spool turboprop-engine characteristics