Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental investigation of pressure fluctuations in 3.6 inch ram jet at Mach number 1.92

Effect of ram-jet pressure pulsations on supersonic-diffuser performance

Experimental investigation of a two-dimensional split-wing ram-jet inlet at Mach number of 3.85

Performance characteristics of several types of axially symmetric nose inlets at Mach number 3.85

Some observations of flow at the throat of a two-dimensional diffuser at a Mach number of 3.85

Preliminary investigation of an asymmetric swept nose inlet of circular projection at Mach number 3.85

Preliminary investigation of an asymmetric swept nose inlet of circular projection at Mach number 3.85

Force, moment, and pressure characteristics of several annular nose inlets at Mach number 3.85

Characteristics of flow about axially symmetric isentropic spikes for nose inlets at Mach number 3.85

Interferometric observation of flow about an isentropic (reverse Prandtl-Meyer streamline) compression wedge at Mach 3.0

Performance characteristics of axisymmetric two-cone and isentropic nose inlets at Mach number 1.90

A variable-geometry axisymmetric supersonic inlet with telescoping centerbody

A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05

Some aspects of supersonic inlet stability

Design Criteria for Axisymmetric and Two-Dimensional Supersonic Inlets and Exits

Investigation of an asymmetric "penshape" exit having circular projections and discharging into quiescent air

Investigation of translating-double-cone axisymmetric inlets with cowl projected areas 40 and 20 percent of maximum at Mach numbers from 3.0 to 2.0

Effects of Internal-Area Distribution, Spike Translation, and Throat Boundary-Layer Control on Performance of a Double-Cone Axisymmetric Inlet at Mach Numbers From 3.0 to 2.0

Survey of supersonic inlets for high Mach number applications

Survey of Supersonic Inlets for High Mach Number Applications

High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser

High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser

Published Year

