Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of ram-jet pressure pulsations on supersonic-diffuser performance
Experimental investigation of a two-dimensional split-wing ram-jet inlet at Mach number of 3.85
Performance characteristics of several types of axially symmetric nose inlets at Mach number 3.85
Some observations of flow at the throat of a two-dimensional diffuser at a Mach number of 3.85
Force, moment, and pressure characteristics of several annular nose inlets at Mach number 3.85
Performance characteristics of axisymmetric two-cone and isentropic nose inlets at Mach number 1.90
A variable-geometry axisymmetric supersonic inlet with telescoping centerbody
A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05
Some aspects of supersonic inlet stability
Design Criteria for Axisymmetric and Two-Dimensional Supersonic Inlets and Exits
Survey of supersonic inlets for high Mach number applications
Survey of Supersonic Inlets for High Mach Number Applications
High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser
High Mach Number, Low-Cowl-Drag, External-Compression Inlet With Subsonic Dump Diffuser