Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Flotation of chalcopyrite in chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite ores of southern Oregon
Approximate Quantitative Microscopy of Pulverized Ores, Including the Use of the Camera Lucida
Investigation of low-grade and complex ores in Colorado
Milling methods in the tri-state zinc district
Proposed method for reducing mineral waste in the Wisconsin zinc district, Wisconsin
Preliminary ore dressing tests to recover manganese in rhodochrosite ores.
Milling methods and costs at a Flat River (Mo.) mill
Review of fine grinding in ore concentrators
Concentration of the potash ores of Carlsbad, New Mexico, by ore dressing methods
Differential grinding of Alabama iron ores for gravity concentration
Contrasts in grinding characteristics of mineral products
Periodic pincer to control flow of wet ore pulp through an orifice
Precision jigging as a substitute for laboratory sink-float
Performance of a hydraulic classifier designed to incorporate four hitherto neglected principles
Improved laboratory concentration table
Continuous hydraulic classification :constitution of the teeter column throughout its depth
Rapid specific-gravity method for estimating the iron content of Birmingham, Ala., red ores
Mineral-Dressing Characteristics of the Red Iron Ores of Birmingham, Alabama