Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of Slipstream Effects on a Wing-Inlet Oil-Cooler Ducting System of a Twin-Engine Airplane in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

Experimental investigation of the effects of viscosity on the drag of bodies of revolution at a Mach number 1.5

Experimental investigation of the effects of viscosity on the drag and base pressure of bodies of revolution at a Mach number 1.5

Laminar mixing of a compressible fluid

Laminar mixing of a compressible fluid

Reduction of profile drag at supersonic velocities by the use of airfoil sections having a blunt trailing edge

An analysis of base pressure at supersonic velocities and comparison with experiment

Experimental investigation of base pressure on blunt-trailing-edge wings at supersonic velocities

An analysis of base pressure at supersonic velocities and comparison with experiment

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Bodies at Supersonic Speeds: A Collection of Three Papers

Airfoil profiles for minimum pressure drag at supersonic velocities -- general analysis with application to linearized supersonic flow

Effect of trailing edge thickness on lift at supersonic velocities

Airfoil profiles for minimum pressure drag at supersonic velocities: Application of shock-expansion theory, including consideration of hypersonic range

Turbulent boundary-layer and skin-friction measurements in axial flow along cylinders at Mach numbers between 0.5 and 3.6

Reduction of profile drag at supersonic velocities by the use of airfoil sections having a blunt trailing edge

Effect of trailing-edge thickness on lift at supersonic velocities

Some possibilities of using gas mixtures other than air in aerodynamic research

Investigation of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams with emphasis on the effect of transition

Preliminary report on a study of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams

A theoretical analysis of heat transfer in regions of separated flow

Investigation of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams with emphasis on the effect of transition

An approximate analytical method for studying entry into planetary atmospheres

Published Year
