Browse TRAIL Inventories

An investigation of aircraft heaters V : theory and use of heat meters for the measurement of rates of heat transfer which are independent of time

An investigation of aircraft heaters I : elementary heat transfer considerations in an airplane

An investigation of aircraft heaters IV : measured and predicted performance of longitudinally finned tubes

An investigation of aircraft heaters VII : thermal radiation from athermanous exhaust gases

An investigation of aircraft heaters III : measured and predicted performance of double tube heat exchangers

An investigation of aircraft heaters VI : heat transfer equations for the single pass longitudinal exchanger

An investigation of aircraft heaters II : properties of gases

An investigation of aircraft heaters XIII : performance of corrugated and noncorrugated fluted type exhaust gas-air heat exchangers

An investigation of aircraft heaters XII : performance of a formed-plate crossflow exhaust gas and air heat exchanger

An investigation of aircraft heaters VIII : a simplified method for the calculation of the unit thermal conductance over wings

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 9: Measured and Predicted Performance of Two Exhaust Gas-Air Heat Exchangers and an Apparatus for Evaluating Exhaust Gas-Air Heat Exchangers

An investigation of aircraft heaters 17: experimental inquiry into steady state unidirectional heat-meter corrections

An investigation of aircraft heaters 15: the emissivity of several materials

An investigation of aircraft heaters 14: an air and heat flow analysis of a ram-operated heater and duct system

An investigation of aircraft heaters 24: the heat meter in the transient state for unidirectional heat transfer

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 14: Performance of Two Finned-Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 21: Measured and Predicted Performance of a Flattened-Tube Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchanger

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 25: Use of the Thermopile Radiometer

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 18: A Design Manual for Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 26: Development of a Sensitive Plated-Type Thermopile for Measuring Radiation

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters XXVIII : Equations for Steady-State Temperature Distribution Caused by Thermal Sources in Flat Plates Applied to Calculation of Thermocouple Errors, Heat-meter Corrections, and Heat Transfer by Pin-fin Plates

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 29: Comparison of Several Methods of Calculating Heat Losses From Airfoils

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 27: Distribution of Heat-Transfer Rate in the Entrance Section of a Circular Tube

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXXI : summary of laboratory testing of several exhaust-gas and air heat exchangers

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 30: Nocturnal Irradiation as a Function of Altitude and Its Use in Determination of Heat Requirements of Aircraft

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXXIII : experimental determination of thermal and hydrodynamical behavior of air flowing along finned plates

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXXVIII : determination of thermal performance of rectangular- and trapezoidal-shaped inner-skin passages for anti-icing systems

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 37: Experimental Determination of Thermal and Hydrodynamical Behavior of Air Flowing Along a Flat Plate Containing Turbulence Promotors

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 34: Experimental Determination of Thermal and Hydrodynamical Behavior of Air Flowing Between a Flat and a Wave-Shaped Plate

An investigation of aircraft heaters 36: preliminary investigation of a combustion-type aircraft heater

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 35: Thermocouple Conduction Error Observed in Measuring Surface Temperatures

Published Year
