Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight-Determination of the Low-Lift Drag and Longitudinal Stability of a 1/10-Scale Rocket-Powered Model of the Douglas XF4D-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers from 0.7

Summary of Low-Lift Drag and Directional Stability Data from Rocket Models of the Douglas XF4D-1 Airplane with and without External Stores and Rocket Packets at Mach Numbers from 0.8 to 1.38: TED No. NACA DE-349

Drag and Longitudinal Trim at Low Lift of the North American YF-100A Airplane at Mach Numbers from 0.76 to 1.77 as Determined from the Flight Test of a 0.11-Scale Rocket Model

Drag and longitudinal trim characteristics of a low-tail version of the North American YF-100A airplane as determined from the flight test at low lift of a 0.11-scale rocket-powered model at Mach numbers between 0.75 and 1.78

Minimum drag of 0.11-scale rocket-powered models of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 airplane, with and without nose modifications, at Mach numbers between 0.85 and 1.30 : TED No. NACA DE 392

A summary of the drag and longitudinal trim at low lift of the North American YF-100A airplane at Mach numbers from 0.75 to 1.77 as determined by flight tests of 0.11-scale rocket models

A Summary of the Low-Lift Drag and Longitudinal Trim Characteristics of Two Versions of an Interceptor-Type Airplane as Determined From Flight Tests of Rocket-Powered Models at Mach Numbers Between 0.75 and 1.78

Free-flight investigation of jet effect on the low-lift drag and longitudinal trim of a supersonic interceptor-type airplane configuration with an overhanging tail boom at Mach numbers from 1.09 to 1.34

A Flight Investigation to Determine the Effectiveness of Mach Number 1.0, 1.2, and 1.41 Fuselage Indentations for Reducing the Pressure Drag of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing Configuration at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds

Effect of Conical and Flat Sting-Mounted Windshields on the Zero-Lift Drag of a Flare-Stabilized Bluff Body at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.15

Published Year
