Browse TRAIL Inventories

An investigation at transonic speeds of the effects of thickness ratio and of thickened root sections on the aerodynamic characteristics of wings with 47©� sweepback, aspect ratio 3.5, and taper ratio 0.2 in the slotted test section of the Langley 8-foot high-speed tunnel

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Three 4-Percent-Thick Wings of Sweepback Angles 10.8 Degrees, 35 Degrees, and 47 Degrees, Aspect Ratio 3.5, and Taper Ratio 0.2 in Combination With a Body

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Performance and of the Static Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Grumman F9F-9 Airplane, Ted No. NACA DE 390

An aerodynamic and hydrodynamic investigation of two multi-jet water-based aircraft having low transonic drag rise

An investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics at transonic Mach numbers of a swept-wing supersonic bomber configuration

Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics of a deck-inlet multijet water-based-aircraft configuration designed for supersonic flight

Published Year

