Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Wind Tunnel Tests of a Submerged-Engine Fuselage Design
Wind tunnel tests of air inlet and outlet openings on a streamline body
Wind-tunnel investigation of air inlet and outlet openings on a streamline body
High-Speed Tests of a Model Twin-Engine Low-Wing Transport Airplane
High-speed wind-tunnel tests of the NACA 23012 and 23012-64 airfoils
High-speed tests of radial-engine nacelles on a thick low-drag wing
High-Speed Tests of a Model Twin-Engine Low-Wing Transport Airplane
High-Speed Tests of a Ducted Body with Various Air-Outlet Openings
The Effect of Spinner-Body Gap on the Pressures Available for Cooling in the NACA E-Type Cowling
Simple Curves for Determining the Effects of Compressibility on Pressure Drop Through Radiators
Structural hinge-moment increments caused by hinge-axis distortion