Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental Investigation of a New Type of Low-Drag Wing-Nacelle Combination

A method for calculating heat transfer in the laminar flow region of bodies

Notes on the Effect of Surface Distortions on the Drag and Critical Mach Number of Airfoils

The Effect of Compressibility on the Growth of the Laminar Boundary Layer on Low-Drag Wings and Bodies

Wall interference in a two-dimensional-flow wind tunnel, with consideration of the effect of compressibility

An Experimental Investigation of Several Low-Drag Wing-Nacelle Combinations with Internal Air Flow

General theory of airfoil sections having arbitrary shape or pressure distribution

The interaction of boundary layer and compression shock and its effect upon airfoil pressure distributions

The Effect of Compressibility on the Growth of the Laminar Boundary Layer on Low-Drag Wings and Bodies

Estimation of the forces and moments acting on inclined bodies of revolution of high fineness ratio

Published Year
