Browse TRAIL Inventories

Manual of analytical procedures for the U²³⁵ recovery process

The density of uranyl sulfate solutions and the determination of uranium concentration by density measurements

Application of X-ray fluorescence to analysis of zirconium in uranium

Recovery of Uranium as a single product from the Florida leached zone

Project hope :a chemical reprocessing plant for a nuclear power economy

An improved fluorophotometer for determination of uranium in fused sodium fluoride pellets

The salicylate method for determining microgram amounts of uranium

Zirflex process for PWR blanket fuel :

Recovery of uranium from DI (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (dapex) extractant with ammonium carbonate

Fused salt fuel processing in the ORNL volatility pilot plant

Modified zirflex process for dissolution of 1-10% U-Zr alloy fuels in aqueous NH₄F-NH₄NO₃-H₂O₂ :laboratory development

Processing of high-fired uranium dioxide fuels by a reduction - mercury extraction - oxidation process

A study of the kinetics of uranyl sulfate exchange with a strong base anion resin

Published Year

