Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of potassium ethylxanthate degradation on flotation of chalcopyrite and molybdentie

A water elutriator system for recovering nonmagnetic metals from automobile shredder rejects

A digital instrumentation package for an improved torsion pendulum

Thermodynamic properties of pollucite (a cesium-aluminum-silicate)

Laboratory testing of compressed-oxygen self-rescuers for ruggedness and reliability

Dust sources and controls on the six U.S. longwall faces having the most difficulty complying with dust standards

Health and safety in-house and contract research in fiscal year 1984

Analyses of natural gases, 1982

Toward development of a hard-rock mining machine--drag cutter experiments in hard abrasive rocks

Alumina miniplant operations -evaporative crystallization of aluminum nitrate nonahydrate from aluminum nitrate solutions

Distribution and analyses of gold and silver in mechanically processed mixed electronic scrap

Vertical magnetic noise in the voice frequency band within and above coal mines

Resistance of selected refractories to mineral waste melts

Vanadium-uranium extraction from Wyoming vanadiferous silicates

Shaft furnace reduction-oxidation roasting of pelletized alunite dust

Cutting parameters affecting the ignition potential of conical bits

Neodecanoic acid as a Co³⁺ solvent extractant

Long-term effectiveness of deep mine sealing at Moraine State Park, Butler County, Pa.

Economic evaluation of a method to regenerate waste chromic acid-sulfuric acid etchants

Lime-gypsum processing of McDermitt clay for lithium recovery

Characterization of lateritic nickel ores by electron-optical and x-ray techniques

Control of longwall gob gas with cross-measure boreholes (upper Kittanning coalbed)

Reducing longwall tailgate workers' dust exposure utilizing water-powered scrubbers

Leaching aluminum from calcined kaolinitic clay with nitric acid

Stratification in water quality in inundated anthracite mines, eastern Pennsylvania

Economic evaluation of borehole and conventional mining systems in phosphate deposits

Characteristics of the OTOX model CTL oxygen sensor

Cost estimate of the Bayer process for producing alumina, based on 1982 equipment prices

Costs and effects of environmental protection controls regulating U.S. phosphate rock mining

Passive encoder for range knobs

Evaluation of alumina extraction from coal waste :composition and availability

Economic and technical evaluation of the sulfurous acid-caustic purification process for producing alumina from kaolinitic clay

New techniques for reducing stopping leakage

Fresnel lens blind area viewers for improved mine equipment safety and productivity

Guidelines for siting product-of-combustion fire sensors in underground mines

Rates of chlorination of aluminous resources

Minerals data source directory, January 1983

Safety in the use and maintenance of large mobile surface mining equipment :proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Tucson, AZ, August 16, 1983, Denver, CO, August 18, 1983, and St. Louis, MO, August 23, 1983

A dynamic gas-mixing system

A ball-on-block impact-spalling wear test and results on several iron alloys

Novel coal-cutting bits and their wear resistances

Beneficiation of a western Mesabi nonmagnetic taconite after reduction roasting with lignite

Experimental drift linings in a block-caving operation :a field demonstration

Magnetic properties of synthetic mischmetal alloyed with cobalt, copper, iron, and magnesium

Coal-cutting forces and primary dust generation using radial gage cutters

Problems in the control of anthracite mine fires :a case study of the Centralia mine fire (August 1980)

Electrochemical determination of thermodynamic properties of manganese sulfate and cadmium oxysulfate

Use of foam for dust control in minerals processing

Recovery of alumina from anorthosite by an HC1-F-gas sparging crystallization process

Evaluation of radium and toxic element leaching characteristics of Florida phosphogypsum stockpiles

Published Year



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